Dec 31, 2012

The White Ribbon (Das Weiße Band) (2009)

I don’t usually go out of my way to watch black and white German films about small villages, but this one received rave reviews, so I gave it a shot. The story builds slowly, with developed characters and subtle clues to the mystery at hand. I sometimes forget how I can get pulled into a film through quality storytelling, without the use of eye popping color and booming sound effects.

In the end, things are left unexplained, which is especially frustrating to me. I like plots tied up in a bow before the credits roll. I’m a completionist. Despite some unanswered questions, I can’t deny that it was a powerful film crafted by a very competent hand. Still, I would rate it higher if I felt completely satisfied at the end, but I did not.

Rating: B-

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