Jun 8, 2011

Tron (1982)

I saw this as a kid but didn’t remember a whole lot about it. With Legacy coming out on Blu-Ray, I decided to pick up the new Blu-Ray version of the original so I would have a better grip on the back story. Wow, did we ever have low expectations for what qualifies as entertainment back then. I guess we didn’t know any better. Sure, it looked different than anything else at the time, but it still looked hysterically fake.

The storyline is flimsy at best, and the action is woefully family friendly. I could barely keep my eyes open as I forced myself to make it to the end. I was thinking as I watched this how The Matrix nailed the humans as part of the computer system thing. That was a film way before it’s time. Hoping the sequel to this 80’s crapfest is much better.

Rating: D

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