Jan 28, 2013

There Will Be Blood (2007)

I should start this review by first stating my bias: I'm a HUGE PTA fan. (Paul Thomas Anderson) I think the man's a genius. Magnolia being my favorite, but Punch Drunk Love a close second. There Will Be Blood lets PTA stretch his legs with some new subject matter and style. His mood-setting soundtrack is still present however.

My second bias, since I'm feeling particularly honest today, is an incredible respect for the acting of Daniel Day Lewis. The man can do no wrong. It's hard to choose a favorite role, but if forced to at gun point, I'd have to go with his brutal role in Gangs of New York. Once again, DDL delivers a flawless performance, immersing himself in the character. Why anyone agrees to be in a film with him is a mystery to me. They all look like novice hacks in comparison.

The story here is as dark as the oil, and the telling of it is as hard as the drill work shown in the film. There are no classic good or bad guys—characters freely move back and forth between likable and nasty behaviors. One wonders if success makes you slightly insane or if minor insanity is a requirement for becoming successful. There's no doubt Daniel has lost a part of his mind by the final scene. The film is beautifully shot and riveting to watch. It slows to a crawl at times, and will certainly rub some viewers the wrong way with it's subject matter. To be enjoyed in the company of other serious movie buffs.

Rating: B+

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