Feb 7, 2012

Requiem For A Dream (2000)

Screw D.A.R.E.
Screw "Say no to Drugs"
Screw "This is your brain on drugs"
Round up all the elementary school kids. Sit their asses down in the auditorium, and play this movie on a big screen. By the time the credits roll, every kid in the place will have tears streaming down their little faces in terror, and they will NEVER do drugs.

Darren Aronofsky, the brilliant director of the movie "Pi" , delves into full color film-making with one hell of a ride down junkie lane. He has such a talent for creating dramatic images on screen. So many techniques are used, which when put together, form his unique style. The acting was fantastic, and Oscars should be handed out all around. Is it a fun movie to watch? Kind of. Is it worth watching? YES! An absolutely brilliant film.

Rating: A

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