Jun 9, 2013

The Host (2013)

An alien invasion as seen through the eyes of a teenage girl, who appears to have written the script as well. The “romance” was forced. Both of them. There were countless plot holes and unexplained scenes.

For example: There is only one top secret entrance into the caves that has never been discovered by someone who wasn’t first shown, and yet two trucks are shown driving out of there not 5 minutes later. Seems like it would be pretty easy to find the entrance by following the road to the giant garage door. I could go on and on.

The only way they could have saved the film is if they had been forced to stick Wanda into a chubby middle aged dude in order to save her life, instead of the young nubile hottie that was so miraculously available. Her new beau would have had to choose between dumping her on the spot or spending the rest of his life trying to convince himself, and others, that he wasn’t gay. Roll credits.

Rating: D-


Allred's said...

Whenever they make a movie out of a book people who didn't read the book first are always confused. Aaron was lost too but, since I read the book I was able to fill him in.

Supercords said...

If people are confused, that is the fault of the filmmakers. I've seen plenty of great books be made into equally great movies, even when I hadn't read the book prior to seeing the movie.

A good film should be able to stand on it's own two feet, without book readers having to fill in the gaps.

Also, I have a feeling this book wasn't all that great either, but I'm not willing to put that to the test, as that would require actually reading the book.