I generally dislike this genre of film—I lean more towards revenge flicks than torture porn. I had hoped this would tilt in favor of the former. It was difficult to sit through the first portion, waiting for the inevitable to happen. I was tense and uncomfortable. Every last trace of sympathy I may have had for these guys was wiped away. I’m ready for some revenge. Mission accomplished.
That’s where the film unraveled for me. I feel the screenwriter missed the opportunity to keep things real, thus keeping the viewer focused on the screen rather than contemplating plot holes. Why not show a couple quick shots of our protagonist living in the woods, healing from her wounds, or feeding herself. How did she survive for a month in the forest? At least make an effort to be plausible.
Secondly, how does a 98 pound girl drag 200+ pound dudes through the trees and into a cabin where she ties them up from the ceiling? Did she suddenly build a wagon and learn how to use a pulley system? Sure, the average pimpled teen with a sub average IQ might not put two and two together, but intelligent movie watchers like me demand some kind of half-assed attempt to Scotch tape the story together.
And finally, I get that this girl wants her sweet revenge on these creeps. They fully deserved what they got. But seriously!?!? Are we really supposed to buy this chick creating her personal sequel to the Saw movies? It was way too over-the-top to be believable. The leap from innocent novelist to sadistic torturess is too much to swallow. We deserve better.
Rating: D+